The birth of a child is one of the hardest, most life changing & emotional days you’ll experience in your life. Documentary photography is a beautiful, unscripted style of photography that captures real life stories in a uniquely intimate way – no posing, no prompting, no intervention.
I have been blessed to watch several humans enter Earthside & it continues to be one of my most cherished genres. Since covid changed healthcare, I haven’t been able to continue to offer birth photography in the capacity I had wanted to, but it feels important to me to continue to showcase this area of my work.
For me, birth is a journey 2 parents (and sometimes a whole family) go on together. I capture joy, excitement, anticipation, anxieties & all the other emotions expecting & new parents will feel. So much of this time wouldn’t be remembered without the visual aid that photography provides.
I have always worked unobtrusively and candidly, capturing as many raw & honest storytelling moments as possible. I truly believe that the birth of a child is a hugely empowering event in your life, & the moments captured can make a real difference on how positively a family views their birthing experience.
Birth photography has also be hugely cathartic for me, and redeeming in respect to my own births. I’m a mum of two.
Births are a private & personal experience, & I join my families & their medical team with trust & respect, aiming to be little more than a fly on the wall during their experience.
MAR, 2021NorahBIRTH DOCUMENTARY // FRESH 48 WHYALLA HOSPITAL SA [dipl_masonry_gallery number_of_columns="3" image_size="large" disabled_on="off|off|off" _builder_version="4.19.5" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}" theme_builder_area="post_content"...
Luna Rae
AUG, 2020 Luna Kilgariff Birth BIRTH DOCUMENTARY // FRESH 48 WHYALLA HOSPITAL SA 'The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another' ~ 1 Corinthians 15:41 Little Luna Rae, welcome to the Kilgariff family & the neighbourhood. You are going to...
AUG, 2019Emmett Gibbs BirthBIRTH DOCUMENTARY // FRESH 48 WHYALLA HOSPITAL SA [dipl_masonry_gallery image_ids="9153,9152,9149,7541,6726,16009" number_of_columns="3" image_size="large" disabled_on="on|off|off" _builder_version="4.25.1" _module_preset="default"...
Hello Baby Everest
APRIL 30, 2018 EVEREST KILGARIFF BIRTH APRIL 30, 2018 EVEREST KILGARIFF BIRTH Subscribe to my mailing list SKAI SKORUP-MATTHEWS - PHOTOGRAPHER | LIFESTYLE + BIRTH + FAMILY DOCUMENTARY | WHYALLA, SAFamily photography in Whyalla, South Australia. In home newborn, baby,...
Darcy Rodda Homebirth
APRIL 11, 2018 DARCY RODDA MATERNITY, BIRTH + FAMILY SESSION Choosing which images to show of this families incredible journey is seriously tough!! Darcy was baby #3 for the family & it'd been 12 years since Mum had her last. Mum is a midwife/nurse/doula, with...
JUL, 2018Celia BirthBIRTH DOCUMENTARY // FRESH 48 WHYALLA HOSPITAL SA [dipl_masonry_gallery image_ids="13987,13988,13989,13990,16016" number_of_columns="3" image_size="large" disabled_on="on|off|off" _builder_version="4.25.1" _module_preset="default" hover_enabled="0"...
Welcome to the world Leo
WHYALLA HOSPITAL, SOUTH AUSTRALIA This week started off quite brilliantly when I got the text to say that a new baby was on the way. I turned up at the hospital late Monday night & witnessed little Leo's arrival earthside early the following morning. There's no...
MAR, 2016Natalija BirthBIRTH DOCUMENTARY WHYALLA HOSPITAL SA [dipl_masonry_gallery number_of_columns="3" image_size="large" disabled_on="on|off|off" _builder_version="4.19.5" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}" theme_builder_area="post_content"...
If I had to name one thing that I love capturing the most as a photographer, this would be it... the birth of a first child. Nothing for me compares to the real excitement and connection a couple experience when they're expecting a new baby, coupled with the fear they...
JUN, 2015Hadlee BirthBIRTH DOCUMENTARY WHYALLA HOSPITAL SA [dipl_masonry_gallery image_ids="14008,14009,14010,14011" number_of_columns="3" image_size="large" disabled_on="on|off|off" _builder_version="4.19.5" _module_preset="default"...

Contact Skai
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Address / 2 29-31 Playford Avenue, Whyalla

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Family photography in Whyalla, South Australia. In home newborn, baby, child, and family photographer. Available for sessions in South Australia. Servicing Whyalla and surrounding regions. Specialising in lifestyle family photography, family documentary photography, birth + newborn photography, in home portraits, sunset, studio or location, family portrait photography and storytelling photography. Select commercial photography including head shots, brand + product photography for businesses in the Eyre Peninsula, Flinders Ranges, Clare Valley, Barossa & Adelaide regions (and beyond). Fully insured and registered.
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Site created by Tickled Ink & Codemash
© 2024 Earthwalk Photography | | Site created by Tickled Ink & Codemash